Disciples Who Make Disciples

Here at Church of God of Exeter.  We don’t just want to merely be.  We want to be disciples who make disciples of Jesus.  It is our desire to see to it that everyone we encounter day in and day out have an encounter with Christ, and grow in Christ.  Through our mission, our teaching, and primarily through our passion for who Jesus is and what Jesus has commanded us to do.  We are instituting new things, changing old, and firmly seeking God’s direction in our goal to be a people who make disciples who make disciples.

Here are some video testimonies of this.


Discipleship takes sacrifice. It has to be intentional. It has to be a priority. It has to be consistent, even just for a season. The greatest way we can grow in our understanding of God’s love for us is to spend time reflecting on His Word and then intentionally loving the way He loved. This is what we hope and seek to do as a church.  To become disciples who make disciples.